March Working Party – we helped build a Dead Hedge!

Working hard in the rain

Nine volunteers met at Blunden Hall and moved on to the Birch Brook reserve. We admired the further length of ‘laid’ hedge created recently by BCTV volunteers and under our Working Party Leader’s guidance set to work on finishing two stretches of ‘dead hedge’. Dead hedges are the most primitive and ancient form of hedging, they comprise two parallel rows of stakes with the area between them filled with dead woody material. The stakes are then bound together at the top with long woven wooden binders which gives stability to the whole structure. They are quick to make and provide an important wildlife habitat for birds, hedgehogs etc. In terms of ecology they’ve very similar to an old woodpile, so we hope to see various wildlife make use of them for shelter and food.

Making a ‘dead hedge’

A nearly completed ‘dead hedge’